How to use the draft strengthened Quality Standards guidance
This draft guidance material is intended to support providers to comply with the strengthened Quality Standards. It also aims to promote best practice in service provision.
Aged care services vary in size and structure and have different ways of meeting the Standards. The draft guidance shows how providers can demonstrate they meet each Standard outcome.
This material is not a prescriptive guide. When we assess provider conformance against the Aged Care Quality Standards we won’t expect that every provider will necessarily be taking each of the described actions. The actions you take to deliver high quality safe care will depend on the circumstances of your service and the needs of the people in your care. The material in this document can be used as a guide to achieving quality care outcomes in your organisation.
We have listened to feedback and will take a step-by-step process to make improvements. We are committed to helping the aged care sector adapt to the strengthened Standards, and our regulation approach. This includes providing documents that are clear and useful. We will include the updated versions of the supporting documents on our digital guidance tool for providers and stakeholders to read. We plan to do this by the end of 2024.