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Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards guidance consultation

This public consultation has now closed

This consultation invited your feedback on our draft guidance resources for providers and workers on the new strengthened Quality Standards.

We consulted on our draft guidance resources to help providers, aged care workers and other stakeholders to understand the new strengthened Quality Standards and their roles and responsibilities in meeting them. Further draft resources will be available shortly that are specifically for older people receiving care and their representatives.

The strengthened Quality Standards will come into effect in line with the commencement of the new Aged Care Act from 1 July 2025.

We welcomed responses from providers, aged care workers, older people and their representatives, and other stakeholders. The purpose of this consultation was to help us produce resources for providers and workers that are fit-for-purpose, easy-to-understand and support the delivery of quality, person-centred aged care.

Although the consultation period has closed, you can still download and read the:

In the coming months we will:

  • review all feedback received
  • consolidate responses
  • provide a summary of the feedback received, and
  • provide updates on the changes we make because of your feedback.

New strengthened Quality Standards guidance tool

This draft guidance tool is intended to support providers to comply with the strengthened Quality Standards.

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