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Publication date

The strengthened Quality Standards storyboards provide pictorial representations of what different topics from the standards look like in practice. They have been developed for a rural and remote context to assist older people, staff and other people interacting with aged care services to understand how the Standards apply in a day-to-day context.

This storyboard focuses on the topics: needs goals and preferences; activities of daily living; partnerships; and supported decision making.    

Story board,
Storyboard 6: I get the care and support I need to live safe and well at home. 
Publication date

The strengthened Quality Standards storyboards provide pictorial representations of what different topics from the standards look like in practice. They have been developed for a rural and remote context to assist older people, staff and other people interacting with aged care services to understand how the Standards apply in a day-to-day context.

This storyboard focuses on topics: workforce planning, competency-based training, and monitoring and review of worker performance.    

Story board,
Storyboard 9: Supporting me with the right people to care for my needs 
Publication date

The strengthened Quality Standards storyboards provide pictorial representations of what different topics from the standards look like in practice. They have been developed for a rural and remote context to assist older people, staff and other people interacting with aged care services to understand how the Standards apply in a day-to-day context.

This storyboard focuses on the topics: antimicrobial resistance; antimicrobial stewardship; and infection prevention and control.  

Story board,
Storyboard 5: How aged care helps me with my personal and clinical care 
Publication date

The strengthened Quality Standards storyboards provide pictorial representations of what different topics from the standards look like in practice. They have been developed for a rural and remote context to assist older people, staff and other people interacting with aged care services to understand how the Standards apply in a day-to-day context. 

Story board,
Storyboard 8: I can speak up to make aged care better
Publication date

The strengthened Quality Standards storyboards provide pictorial representations of what different topics from the standards look like in practice. They have been developed for a rural and remote context to assist older people, staff and other people interacting with aged care services to understand how the Standards apply in a day-to-day context.

This storyboard focuses on the topics: autonomy; needs, goals and preferences; and partnership.  

Story board,
Storyboard 4: What I need to help me live well at home safely 
Publication date

The strengthened Quality Standards storyboards provide pictorial representations of what different topics from the standards look like in practice. They have been developed for a rural and remote context to assist older people, staff and other people interacting with aged care services to understand how the Standards apply in a day-to-day context.

This storyboard focuses on the topic: environment risk.  

Story board,
Storyboard 7: Making aged care spaces welcoming and safe 
Publication date

The strengthened Quality Standards storyboards provide pictorial representations of what different topics from the standards look like in practice. They have been developed for a rural and remote context to assist older people, staff and other people interacting with aged care services to understand how the Standards apply in a day-to-day context.

This storyboard focuses on topics: continuous improvement, strategic planning, enterprise risk, governance, emergency and disaster management, and information management systems.   

Story board,
Storyboard 10: Supporting safe and quality care 
Publication date

The strengthened Quality Standards storyboards provide pictorial representations of what different topics from the standards look like in practice. They have been developed for a rural and remote context to assist older people, staff and other people interacting with aged care services to understand how the Standards apply in a day-to-day context.

This storyboard focuses on the topics: partnerships in care; quality of life; goals of care; and the care and services plan.  

Story board,
Storyboard 3: My aged care provider partners with me to make my life better 
Publication date

The strengthened Quality Standards storyboards provide pictorial representations of what different topics from the standards look like in practice. They have been developed for a rural and remote context to assist older people, staff and other people interacting with aged care services to understand how the Standards apply in a day-to-day context.

This storyboard focuses on the topics: infection prevention and control, hygiene safety and outbreak management.  

Story board,
Storyboard 11: Keep me safe from infectious disease 
Publication date

The strengthened Quality Standards storyboards provide pictorial representations of what different topics from the standards look like in practice. They have been developed for a rural and remote context to assist older people, staff and other people interacting with aged care services to understand how the Standards apply in a day-to-day context.

This storyboard focuses on the topics: end-of-life, end-of-life planning conversations and advance care planning.   

3.1_my_advanced_care_plan.pdf  (PDF  2.75 MB)
Story board,
Publication date

The strengthened Quality Standards storyboards provide pictorial representations of what different topics from the standards look like in practice. They have been developed for a rural and remote context to assist older people, staff and other people interacting with aged care services to understand how the Standards apply in a day-to-day context. 

Story board,
Publication date

The strengthened Quality Standards storyboards provide pictorial representations of what different topics from the standards look like in practice. They have been developed for a rural and remote context to assist older people, staff and other people interacting with aged care services to understand how the Standards apply in a day-to-day context.

This storyboard focuses on the topic: open disclosure.  

3.12_-_open_disclosure.pdf  (PDF  2.38 MB)
Story board,
Storyboard 12: Open disclosure 
Publication date

This plan gives an overview of the resources the Commission will publish to help the Aged Care Sector prepare for the new Aged Care Act.

Sector Readiness Plan  (PDF  340.47 KB)
Sector readiness plan
Publication date

Having a comprehensive and organisation-specific outbreak management plan (OMP) helps your organisation to be prepared for the management of infections and outbreaks within your service. A key part of this readiness is ensuring that your OMP is fit-for-purpose and that everyone across the organisation can implement it if required. One way to maintain readiness and support continuous improvement of your OMP is to run regular drills, or stress tests, of your plan.

Outbreak management plan - stress testing
Publication date

Outbreak management planning is a key part of infection prevention and control. This document supports both the development of a new outbreak management plan (OMP) and the quality assurance of existing plans. It details common OMP sections to get you started as you tailor your OMP to your service.

Outbreak Management Plan
Publication date

You need to have governance systems and processes to make sure your aged care workers can work in aged care.

This fact sheet explains a provider’s responsibilities for:

  • screening workers
  • preventing breaches to banning orders.
Fact sheet,
Making sure your workers can work in aged care
Publication date

This resource is for aged care workers and provides an overview of how we regulate the aged care sector.

This resource is for aged care workers and provides an overview of how we regulate the aged care sector.
Publication date

This resource is for older people and provides an overview of how we regulate the aged care sector.

Regulatory Strategy placemat for older people
Publication date

This resource is for aged care providers and provides an overview of how we regulate the aged care sector.

Regulatory Strategy placemat for providers
Publication date

This policy provides guidance on how the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission’s complaints function delivers a high-quality complaints-handling service.

Complaints handling policy  (PDF  295.7 KB)
Corporate publications,
Complaints handling policy cover page