This draft guidance material is intended to support providers to comply with the strengthened Quality Standards. It also aims to promote best practice in service provision.
This introduction provides an overview of the guidance documentation supporting the strengthened Quality Standards.
This draft guidance material is intended to support providers to comply with the strengthened Quality Standards. It also aims to promote best practice in service provision.
The glossary supports the draft strengthened Quality Standards Guidance documentation by explaining key terms.
This draft guidance material is intended to support providers to comply with the strengthened Quality Standards. It also aims to promote best practice in service provision.
The request for information gives insight into the information, documents and records that will be requested from a Category 6 provider prior and during an audit against the strengthened Quality Standard.
This draft guidance material is intended to support providers to comply with the strengthened Quality Standards. It also aims to promote best practice in service provision.
The request for information gives insight into the information, documents and records that will be requested from a Category 4 and 5 provider prior and during an audit against the strengthened Quality Standard.
This draft guidance material is intended to support providers to comply with the strengthened Quality Standards. It also aims to promote best practice in service provision.
The tool supports providers to prepare for upcoming audits or can be used as a plan for continuous improvement.
This draft guidance material is intended to support providers to comply with the strengthened Quality Standards. It also aims to promote best practice in service provision.
The evidence mapping framework gives insight into the evidence gathering processes, by providing a standardised set of targeted questions and examples of evidence.
This draft guidance material is intended to support providers to comply with the strengthened Quality Standards. It also aims to promote best practice in service provision.
The draft audit methodology provides insight into the guidance and framework used to assess provider performance against the strengthened Quality Standards.
The purpose of this document is to show providers how the Quality Standards have been strengthened. This analysis is current as at 10 January 2024 and based on the draft strengthened Quality Standards as at 14 December 2023.
Letter from Ann Wunsch to home services providers who have not reported a serious incident in the first 12 months of the Scheme. This is a follow-up communication to our letter sent to all home services providers on 27 June 2023.
The aged care system is changing, and we want to hear from you.
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People who enter residential care can pay for their accommodation costs with:
- a refundable deposit
- a daily payment
- a combination of a refundable deposit and a daily payment.
When a person transfers to another service, permanently leaves care or passes away, you need to refund their refundable deposit.
Watch our video series answering the most common questions we have received about the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards.
In this second episode, Lisa Peterson PSM, Assistant Commissioner for the Sector Capability and Regulatory Strategy, discusses Strengthened Standards Pilot Project, what it involved and what the aged care sector can expect once it's completed.
The Prudential Standards contained in the Aged Care Act 1997 (Act) and the Fees and Payments Principles 2014 (No. 2) detail your responsibilities for the use and management of your residents' refundable accommodation deposits (RADs).
Section 52G-3 of the Act states that the Minister for Aged Care may set a maximum amount of accommodation deposit. Currently, this maximum amount is $550,000 as a RAD (or the equivalent Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP)).
This fact sheet explains what you can do if you have been overcharged a refundable accommodation deposit (RAD) or daily accommodation payment (DAP) by your provider.
This fact sheet explains how the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (the Commission) works with and supports aged care workers.
You can use refundable deposits to generate income and to fund investments and permitted expenses. The primary purpose of using refundable deposits must be to provide residential and flexible aged care.
Read our tips for being in a consumer advisory body.
This fact sheet explains the benefits, processes and outcomes of home care pricing audits.
This fact sheet includes suggested questions you can ask your provider about how prepared they are for an infectious disease outbreak (including COVID-19). It also includes links to a range of resources to help you feel safe, informed and connected.