The Aged Care Act 1997 and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Act 2018 were amended to strengthen the governance arrangements of approved providers. These introduce specific changes aimed at improving leadership and culture and increasing transparency and accountability.
This regulatory bulletin discusses the strengthened provider governance responsibilities for approved providers concerning their governing body. It also explains how we will regulate these responsibilities.
In this short video, Tara Pamula, Acting Assistant Commissioner for the Sector Capability and Regulatory Strategy Division, discusses when the strengthened Aged Care Standards will be implemented and the role of the Commission.
The Good Spirit Good Life (GSGL) assessment package is a resource available to support aged care providers in the delivery of culturally safe aged care for First Nations Peoples. Developed by the University of Western Australia, the resource has been developed and validated for use with older Aboriginal Australians, aged 45 years and over, who live in urban or regional areas.
The GSGL package is a resource that providers might want to consider. It comprises an assessment tool, framework, training guide, and recommendations informed by Aboriginal Elders.
These colouring resources have been designed specifically for the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission with the intention of providing a multifaceted creative experience for older Australians living in residential or home aged care settings, and for the people who care for them.
Letter from Commissioner Janet Anderson PSM and Complaints Commissioner Louise Macleod to approved providers of residential and home services on the Commission’s new report on Complaints about Aged Care Services – Insights for providers released on 20 November 2023.
This report uses data, case studies and guided questions to identify learnings about good complaint handling that can be applied by residential and home services aged care providers in their services. The report also includes questions for boards and senior leadership to help guide complaints handling.
A new learning resource for providers, featuring case study insights from unexplained absence from care incidents reported to the Commission is now available.
This document provides suggestions for group learning experiences and discussion notes that L&D staff and managers can use during stand-up meetings.
Their purpose is to promote discussion, reflection and education, to support staff with improving the food, nutrition and dining experience of people in their care.
This training PowerPoint is a presentation that trainers/managers can download, customise and use to promote discussion and educate their staff to support and improve the food, nutrition and dining experience of consumers in their care.
The training resource supports an exploration of food, nutrition and dining in aged care, specifically:
From 1 July 2023, residential aged care facilities across Australia must have a registered nurse (RN) onsite and on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (24/7 RN responsibility) unless they have an exemption. This fact sheet provides information on alternative care arrangements to meet this requirement.
Approved providers have specific responsibilities under the Aged Care Act 1997 (the Aged Care Act) and the Principles relating to the use of any restrictive practice in residential aged care and short-term restorative care in a residential care setting.
Letter from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner, Janet Anderson PSM to support your planning and preparation for the high-risk weather season to ensure the continuity of care and services to older Australians.
A fact sheet that informs providers of their governing body membership requirements.
Approved providers may request that the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner (the Commissioner) revoke their approval in accordance with section 63H of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Act 2018 (the Commission Act).
A factsheet introducing providers to prudential audits; a mandatory activity the Commission undertakes with providers to measure and support their performance against the Prudential Standards.
In this kit you will find a range of promotional resources, including social media posts and tiles, video, fact sheets and a newsletter article, to help you promote the Food, Nutrition and Dining Hotline, and our wider suite of food, nutrition and dining resources.
This document responds to questions put to the Commission at the ‘Compliance in practice’ webinar held on 18 July 2023. The information is current as at 2 August 2023.
This aged care financial reports calendar details due dates and auditing requirements for 2024 reports.
Joint letter to approved providers of residential aged care services from the Commission and the Australian Electoral Commission about the 2023 referendum and COVID-19 entry approach for mobile polling staff.