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Displaying 121 to 140 of 496 result(s)
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A factsheet introducing providers to prudential audits; a mandatory activity the Commission undertakes with providers to measure and support their performance against the Prudential Standards.

Prudential audit factsheet  (PDF  736.48 KB)
Fact sheet,
Prudential audit factsheet thumbnail
Publication date
Last updated

In this kit you will find a range of promotional resources, including social media posts and tiles, video, fact sheets and a newsletter article, to help you promote the Food, Nutrition and Dining Hotline, and our wider suite of food, nutrition and dining resources.

FND pack thumbnail image
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Fact sheet,
Procedural fairness thumbnail
Publication date

This document responds to questions put to the Commission at the ‘Compliance in practice’ webinar held on 18 July 2023. The information is current as at 2 August 2023.


Compliance in practice thumbnail q and a
Publication date

This aged care financial reports calendar details due dates and auditing requirements for 2024 reports.


poster thumbnail 2024 financial reporting
Publication date

Joint letter to approved providers of residential aged care services from the Commission and the Australian Electoral Commission about the 2023 referendum and COVID-19 entry approach for mobile polling staff.


Publication date

The Stakeholder Engagement Strategy outlines how the Commission identifies, plans, delivers, and evaluates engagement activities with external stakeholders. The Strategy drives the alignment of Commission activities to ensure engagement is meaningful and integrated. 

Corporate publications,
Publication date

This Regulatory Bulletin explains what procedural fairness is. 
It also explains the circumstances where the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission must provide procedural fairness and our approach to providing procedural fairness when making decisions.

RB 2023-21 Procedural fairness  (PDF  855.67 KB)
RB 2023-21 Procedural fairness  (DOCX  2.18 MB)
Regulatory Bulletins,
Thumbnail for RB2023-21
Publication date

As the national aged care regulator, part of the Commission’s role is to assess the performance of providers against the Aged Care Quality Standards. This fact sheet for providers explains how we apply procedural fairness to our regulatory decisions.

Fact sheet,
thumbnail-fact sheet applying procedural fairness
Publication date

This document responds to questions put to the Commission at the ‘Stronger Standards, Better Aged Care’ webinar held on 20 June 2023 and the National Aged Care Providers Conference session on 9 June 2023. The information is current as at 23 August 2023.

The webinar recording and presentation slides are also available.

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Publication date

The Commission is implementing the Stronger Standards, Better Aged Care Program to help prepare providers to be ready for the strengthened Standards. This fact sheet provides further information about the program which commenced in early 2023. 


Fact sheet,
thumbnail image ssbac factsheet
Publication date

The Commission is implementing the Stronger Standards, Better Aged Care Program to help older Australians and their carers and representatives to learn about the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards. This fact sheet provides further information about the program which commenced in early 2023.


Fact sheet,
thumbnail image ssbac older australians factsheet
Publication date

Older Australians, particularly those that reside in residential aged care settings or in multigenerational households, are vulnerable to the ongoing risk of contracting and becoming seriously ill from COVID-19 and other highly infectious illnesses such as influenza and gastroenteritis.

Fact sheet,
are you alert and ready thumbnail
Publication date

A fact sheet for volunteer managers in aged care.


Fact sheet,
vols in aged care thumbnail
Publication date

Joint letter from the Commission and the Department of Health and Aged Care to approved providers on medication management.

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This fact sheet is for people receiving aged care services and provides information on the Commission’s dedicated Food, Nutrition and Dining Hotline to receive questions, concerns and complaints about food, nutrition and dining in aged care.


Fact sheet,
First page of Do you have questions about your food, nutrition and dining in aged care? fact sheet.
Publication date

This resource provides information about the Food, Nutrition, and Dining Hotline, which offers advice and addresses concerns regarding food and dining in aged care. It allows aged care providers, staff, residents, families, and carers to raise issues about nutrition, menu planning, and dining experiences to improve quality and care outcomes. This resource may refer to information that will be updated from 1 July 2025 to align with the new Aged Care Act and Quality Standards. 

Fact sheet,
First page of About the Food, Nutrition and Dining Hotline provider fact sheet.
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The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (the Commission) undertakes a range of regulatory activities to monitor compliance and mitigate risk to aged care consumers. The Commission has incorporated spot check monitoring of infection control practice into its usual regulatory activities. You can find more information about Infection control spot checks here

Publication date

As a volunteer you are part of the aged care workforce and play a key part in supporting older Australians.

Fact sheet,
thumbnail resources page for volunteers in aged care
Publication date

Joint letter from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner, Janet Anderson PSM and Professor Paul Kelly, Chief Medical Officer to all approved providers of residential aged care services on uptake of the COVID-19 booster.


thumbnail letter to providers covid 19